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The Provider component allows you to provide state and dispatch to your React components, but you must specify exactly what state and actions you want. This way, you make sure that each component only has access to the state it needs. You accomplish this by creating two functions: mapStateToProps() and mapDispatchToProps().

In these functions, you declare what pieces of state you want to have access to and which action creators you need to be able to dispatch. Once these functions are in place, you'll see how to use the React Redux connect method to connect them to your components in another challenge.

Note: Behind the scenes, React Redux uses the store.subscribe() method to implement mapStateToProps().


Create a function mapStateToProps(). This function should take state as an argument, then return an object which maps that state to specific property names. These properties will become accessible to your component via props. Since this example keeps the entire state of the app in a single array, you can pass that entire state to your component. Create a property messages in the object that's being returned, and set it to state.


The const state should be an empty array.

assert(Array.isArray(state) && state.length === 0);

mapStateToProps should be a function.

assert(typeof mapStateToProps === 'function');

mapStateToProps should return an object.

assert(typeof mapStateToProps() === 'object');

Passing an array as state to mapStateToProps should return this array assigned to a key of messages.

assert(mapStateToProps(['messages']).messages.pop() === 'messages');



const state = [];

// Change code below this line


const state = [];

// Change code below this line

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
messages: state