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React provides useful type-checking features to verify that components receive props of the correct type. For example, your application makes an API call to retrieve data that you expect to be in an array, which is then passed to a component as a prop. You can set propTypes on your component to require the data to be of type array. This will throw a useful warning when the data is of any other type.

It's considered a best practice to set propTypes when you know the type of a prop ahead of time. You can define a propTypes property for a component in the same way you defined defaultProps. Doing this will check that props of a given key are present with a given type. Here's an example to require the type function for a prop called handleClick:

MyComponent.propTypes = { handleClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired }

In the example above, the PropTypes.func part checks that handleClick is a function. Adding isRequired tells React that handleClick is a required property for that component. You will see a warning if that prop isn't provided. Also notice that func represents function. Among the seven JavaScript primitive types, function and boolean (written as bool) are the only two that use unusual spelling. In addition to the primitive types, there are other types available. For example, you can check that a prop is a React element. Please refer to the documentation for all of the options.

Note: As of React v15.5.0, PropTypes is imported independently from React, like this: import PropTypes from 'prop-types';


Define propTypes for the Items component to require quantity as a prop and verify that it is of type number.


The ShoppingCart component should render.

(function () {
const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(ShoppingCart));
return mockedComponent.find('ShoppingCart').length === 1;

The Items component should render.

(function () {
const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(ShoppingCart));
return mockedComponent.find('Items').length === 1;

The Items component should include a propTypes check to require a value for quantity and ensure that its value is a number.

(getUserInput) =>
(function () {
const noWhiteSpace = __helpers.removeWhiteSpace(getUserInput('index'));
return (
noWhiteSpace.includes('quantity:PropTypes.number.isRequired') &&



var PropTypes = {
number: { isRequired: true }


ReactDOM.render(<ShoppingCart />, document.getElementById('root'))


const Items = (props) => {
return <h1>Current Quantity of: {props.quantity}</h1>

// Change code below this line

// Change code above this line

Items.defaultProps = {
quantity: 0

class ShoppingCart extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return <Items />


const Items = (props) => {
return <h1>Current Quantity of: {props.quantity}</h1>

// Change code below this line
Items.propTypes = {
quantity: PropTypes.number.isRequired
// Change code above this line

Items.defaultProps = {
quantity: 0

class ShoppingCart extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return <Items />